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I’m an intuitive, claircognizant, introvert, a mother to two delightfully curious boys, and have been with my husband for 15 years. I am a reiki practitioner and am known for my blend of thoughtfulness, calm, and collaboration in all of my work both in the business world and the healing world.


In my free time, you’ll find me taking long walks in the woods with forest therapy, and learning about healing modalities like somatic breathwork, dance, and movement. I love updating and bringing a sense of Hygge to my 1925 bungalow home. I've been upping my novice pilates skills in the privacy of my own basement. I am on a quest to find the coziest dinner spot in the Chicagoland area. Most importantly...I love learning daily lessons from my children.


I have a passion for exploring workplace culture and communication tools to enhance collaboration and a sense of community. I think the ebb and flow and evolution of how teams operate in the workplace has so much more to expand to. I’m also a huge advocate for helping women feel both balanced and whole as working mothers.


Nothing lights me up like being surrounded by people passionate about their work, helping make a positive change in the lives of others, and discovering a true sense of connection with people. Nothing kills my joy faster than a lack of empathy, work that feels draining, and anything that requires me to hide any part of myself.


With a hyper sense of observation combined with intuition, I have the ability to cut through the noise. I help others efficiently focus on what’s really important. I love holding space for others to show up as their authentic selves, so they can feel supported, seen, and heard. 


I have always had a great desire to learn more, ask more questions, dig deeper, and get past the surface level. Curiosity drives me. It’s my main personal value. I show up in my life and work determined to feel joyful, curious, empowered, and passionate about what I do. I am the kind of person who leads with empathy so that I can hold space for others.​

I believe:


Purpose and joy can be found through connection with others.


Creativity should be expressed in all areas of life, as the process allows ideas to flow in new ways.


Boundaries help achieve and protect balance, avoid burnout, and set expectations.


Self-expression is what allows all of us to thrive, to connect, to learn from each other.


Empathy breaks down walls, allows us to feel, makes us better teammates, leaders, and mentors.

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